Neat and Tidy: Step-by-Step Guide to Perfect Lawn Edging

There's something incredibly satisfying about a crisply edged lawn. It's the finishing touch that helps your garden look neat, tidy, and wonderfully eye-catching. Here in Christchurch, where our love for gardens is well-known, a well-maintained lawn adds a charming appeal to our homes and neighbourhoods. This blog post will guide you through the steps of lawn edging and how to keep your grass looking its best year-round.

Understanding the Importance of Lawn Edging

Lawn edging isn't merely for aesthetics. It also serves a functional role. It helps define the boundary between your lawn and other landscape elements, such as flower beds, pathways, and driveways. By doing so, it prevents grass from growing into these areas and other plants from encroaching onto your lawn. It also makes lawn maintenance easier and more efficient.

Tools You Will Need

  1. Lawn Edger or Spade: For cutting the edges neatly.

  2. Lawn Shears: For shaping the edges.

  3. String Line and Pegs: For keeping your edges straight.

Steps to Lawn Edging

  1. Define Your Edges: Decide where the edges of your lawn should be. Use a garden hose or a rope to outline the shape. For straight lines, use a string line between two pegs.

  2. Cut Your Edges: Using a lawn edger or a sharp spade, cut along the defined edges. The blade should enter the soil at an angle of about 90 degrees.

  3. Shape Your Edges: After cutting, you can shape your edges. A 'half-moon' edger or lawn shears are perfect for this.

  4. Maintain Your Edges: Over time, the edges of your lawn may become irregular due to growth or erosion. Regular maintenance helps keep your lawn looking its best.

Best Time to Edge Your Lawn

The best time to edge your lawn in Christchurch is in the spring (September to November), just before the peak growing season. However, maintaining the edges is a year-round activity. Frequent, light trimming in summer can keep your lawn looking tidy without too much effort.


There you have it - your comprehensive guide to achieving perfectly edged lawns. Remember, lawn care is more than just a pursuit of beauty. It's about taking pride in your home and contributing to the aesthetic of our lovely city. So let's gear up and get those lawns looking sharp, for the love of Christchurch!


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